Emmett Till, ‘Strange Fruit,’ and the stench of political mendacity

“Southern trees bear a strange fruit / Blood on the leaves and blood at the root / Black bodies swinging in the Southern breeze / Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.” When Billie Holiday sang those words in 1939 she evoked the forlorn pain of black America, living constantly in the shadow of the … Continue reading Emmett Till, ‘Strange Fruit,’ and the stench of political mendacity

Donnie and the search for a few good dogs

There has been a lot of talk lately of loyalty. With the White House post-impeachment purge a few weeks behind us, and the installation, in place of the dismissed, of unquestioning loyalists, it’s worth pausing to ask: What is loyalty? And what is it not? Loyalty is, or should be, an easily understood virtue. It … Continue reading Donnie and the search for a few good dogs

We should honor courage, dump cowardice, regardless of party

There is no greater measure of character than how someone acts when conscience points against the winds of popularity, and all they have to gain is harsh criticism and personal loss. Sen. Mitt Romney faced that challenge this week, and proved himself uniquely up to the test. The backlash against Romney, including jabs from the … Continue reading We should honor courage, dump cowardice, regardless of party