OPENING A DOOR: Episcopal and Orthodox congregations sharing space in new collaboration

ENID, Okla. — East meets West in a new collaboration between faith traditions, with members of a local mission parish of the Russian Orthodox Church meeting for worship services in a chapel at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church. An expanding service The Russian Orthodox congregation held its first service and fellowship dinner at St. Matthew’s, 518 … Continue reading OPENING A DOOR: Episcopal and Orthodox congregations sharing space in new collaboration

The Methodist question: passion, pain and the need for grace

This originally was published by CNHI News in the opinion column "Reflections with Purpose." In the difficult and often rocky path of a Christian life, there is perhaps no task more fraught with pitfalls than striking a balance between passion and grace. And grace, my friends, is sorely needed right now as members of the … Continue reading The Methodist question: passion, pain and the need for grace

In the footsteps of the Magi — a walk through Epiphany

“When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” That passage from Matthew 2:10-11 recounts the arrival … Continue reading In the footsteps of the Magi — a walk through Epiphany

The call to ordination, and to the grace of the Eucharist

I am always fascinated by the story of how clergy came to discern and surrender to the call to ministry. Some are more inspiring than others, and this one, written after the ordination of Rev. Janie Koch in the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma, was particularly so to me, especially in her explanation of the meaning … Continue reading The call to ordination, and to the grace of the Eucharist

Focusing on our common bonds in Christ

Christians have worked for 500 years to break up and diminish the Body of Christ. From the wars of Reformation and Counter-Reformation to centuries of hatred, persecution and misunderstanding between our various (and many) denominations, Christianity over the last half-millennium has struggled to be a cohesive faith with a unified message. We’ve made great strides … Continue reading Focusing on our common bonds in Christ

Co-opting Christ

The role of religion in American politics is nothing new, nor is its history confined to one party. Clergy have played active roles in numerous political movements of the “left,” perhaps most famously in the Civil Rights movement championed by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And, there have been no shortage of outlets … Continue reading Co-opting Christ