Ignorance, fear and hatred are never the basis of good legislation

We’re back in Legislative season here in Oklahoma, which means it’s time — like clockwork — for this year’s predictable bout of discriminatory bills targeting LGBTQ Oklahomans. You can’t count on state government for much, but you can count on this — if the Oklahoma Legislature is in session, some legislator will try to boost … Continue reading Ignorance, fear and hatred are never the basis of good legislation

Declaring independence from mythological America

On July 2, 1776, the Continental Congress declared independence from Britain. Two days later, they approved the draft we know as the Declaration of Independence. The document was first presented to the public on July 8, and it wasn’t until Aug. 2 that most of the signatories put their names to the document. We lump … Continue reading Declaring independence from mythological America

If we want peace, we must listen to the peaceful cries of the oppressed

When violence boils over as the inevitable response to systemic racism and injustice, white Americans rush to dust off quotes and images of Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi. “Look at King and Gandhi!” cries white America. “They were nonviolent and they changed the world!” There is some truth in that — but only … Continue reading If we want peace, we must listen to the peaceful cries of the oppressed

It’s all in there… Our Baptismal Covenant calls us to action

Many of us struggle with determining how to apply our faith to the secular world. In the Episcopal Church, behind our red doors, we are very comfortable with the creeds, the liturgy and our beautiful expressions of love for God. But, outside those doors, how do we apply our love for God to the fractured … Continue reading It’s all in there… Our Baptismal Covenant calls us to action

The transgender ban — a betrayal of trust

I’m seldom saddened or shocked by the news anymore. Like many Americans, I’ve become somewhat numb to our country’s dystopian angst. But, an article this week from my beloved Naval Academy hurt just enough to shake me from my desensitized state. The headline from the CBS news piece read: “Naval Academy to ban transgender students … Continue reading The transgender ban — a betrayal of trust

International Women’s Day — a day to recognize how far we haven’t come

“The story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights.” Those words from acclaimed journalist and women’s rights activist Gloria Steinem call us today, on the 109th International Women’s Day, to collective reflection and action toward … Continue reading International Women’s Day — a day to recognize how far we haven’t come