“Stepping Into Fear” — Christian, Jewish congregations hear message of hope, love overcoming fear

ENID, Okla. — Members of at least six congregations of the Christian and Jewish faiths gathered at St. Stephen AME Church Monday evening for an ecumenical service in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. and his enduring legacy. The service, hosted by St. Stephen AME and St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, featured an address by Rabbi … Continue reading “Stepping Into Fear” — Christian, Jewish congregations hear message of hope, love overcoming fear

Razors, babies and racists, oh my! The week in an America ruled by fear

The absence Tuesday of Martin Luther King Jr., on what should have been his 90th birthday, was made sadder by how far we continue to fall short of his dream. An obvious example came Jan. 10, when Rep. Steve King of Iowa wondered aloud how white supremacy and white nationalism became offensive. Less obvious, but … Continue reading Razors, babies and racists, oh my! The week in an America ruled by fear

Misogyny and redneck crazies

There's few things in this world that scare the bejeezus out of me. Clowns. IRS audits (for no particular reason). Prostate exams (for obvious reasons). These all frighten me. But, there's nothing that scares me more than the persistent wink-and-a-nod attitude our society takes toward sexual harassment, gender discrimination and domestic violence. This scares me … Continue reading Misogyny and redneck crazies

Poisoning the Body of Christ: The Nashville Statement

Much attention has been given this week to the Nashville Statement, a manifesto on sexuality published Tuesday by the evangelical Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW). I disagree with the CBMW statement. I affirm that all human beings, regardless of sexual orientation, are made in the image of God, all are loved by God, all … Continue reading Poisoning the Body of Christ: The Nashville Statement


More than 60 years on, many schools are less integrated than when the civil rights movement began, and the opportunity gap persists. ENID, Okla. — Six decades after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled school segregation unlawful, local and state minority leaders still are working to overcome the effects of segregation. This work continues amidst a mounting … Continue reading Resegregation