Breaking through the echo chamber: lessons in the wake of Helsinki

  This week’s whirlwind of Trumpian treason — or at the very least, cowardice — in the face of Vladimir Putin, followed by the president’s furious backpedaling at home, reveals two important takeaways: 1) Trump is a pricey but easily acquired marionette, whose strings beg to be manipulated by ratings and the approval of strong-arm … Continue reading Breaking through the echo chamber: lessons in the wake of Helsinki

Celebrate true patriotism this weekend

  It’s Memorial Day weekend, which means it’s time to dust off those flags in the back of the closet, fire up the grill and indulge in our annual orgy of patriotic fervor. It is appropriate to honor our nation’s fallen service men and women, and to thank veterans, especially those permanently damaged by war in body, … Continue reading Celebrate true patriotism this weekend

Sacrificing our children on the altar of greed and guns

This originally was published as an opinion column in the Feb. 16, 2018 Enid News & Eagle. By the time this prints, the fervor of media coverage surrounding the latest mass killing will have subsided. Funerals will be planned. Families will grieve. Survivors will suffer. A nation will shake its head in a collective “So … Continue reading Sacrificing our children on the altar of greed and guns