Forging instruments of peace, one heart at a time

It’s been almost a week since two mass shootings claimed the lives of at least 31 people. In a country that, thus far in 2019, averages more than one mass shooting per day, these latest incidents have raised, yet again, the question of how, or if, we will stem the tide of violence and bloodshed … Continue reading Forging instruments of peace, one heart at a time

Lions and lambs — profiles in courage and cowardice

  Surveying the wanton waste of life and ineptitude of leadership on the Western Front in World War I, German Gen. Max von Gallwitz penned to a colleague a truism that I think applies to the contemporary state of our society. “Never,” Gallwitz wrote, “have I seen such lions led by such lambs.” America is … Continue reading Lions and lambs — profiles in courage and cowardice

Better research, not more rhetoric, needed to counter gun violence

  In all our division and partisan rhetoric, there are few issues as intractable as gun violence. Despite having 25 times the rate of gun violence in other developed nations, we can’t achieve any response more meaningful than caustic rhetoric from both sides. The vast majority of gun owners are responsible citizens who value firearm … Continue reading Better research, not more rhetoric, needed to counter gun violence

Youth leading us to right side of history

Hundreds of thousands of youth are expected to protest tomorrow in the March for Our Lives — a student-led movement calling for legislation to effectively address gun violence. Since the Feb. 14 massacre that claimed 17 lives in Parkland, Fla., the survivors and their peers have organized more than 800 demonstrations around the United States and … Continue reading Youth leading us to right side of history

Sacrificing our children on the altar of greed and guns

This originally was published as an opinion column in the Feb. 16, 2018 Enid News & Eagle. By the time this prints, the fervor of media coverage surrounding the latest mass killing will have subsided. Funerals will be planned. Families will grieve. Survivors will suffer. A nation will shake its head in a collective “So … Continue reading Sacrificing our children on the altar of greed and guns