Muslim community ends Ramadan with message of peace and charity

Oklahoma's Muslim community celebrated the end of the month-long fast of Ramadan this morning with prayer services around the state, ushering in the holiday of Eid ul-Fitr with a message of peace and charity. Ramadan is the month on the Islamic lunar calendar during which Muslims abstain from food, drink and "other sensual pleasures" from … Continue reading Muslim community ends Ramadan with message of peace and charity

Amid extremes, a call for radical love and unity

  This has been a week of political extremes, from the president’s asinine renewal of a nuclear arms race with Russia to the left’s overly optimistic “Green New Deal.” The political cacophony overshadowed a momentous bit of news. On Tuesday, Pope Francis met in Abu Dhabi with Egypt’s Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar … Continue reading Amid extremes, a call for radical love and unity

Our collective sickness: Killing ‘others’ for tribalism

It’s been a bad week for peace, human decency and the teachings of basically every major world religion. On Monday, Israeli troops killed 60 and injured more than 2,700 Palestinians in Gaza.  Israel apologists vilified the dead, to justify the bloodshed in the name of ‘Murica and God. And why were Palestinians protesting? Imagine your … Continue reading Our collective sickness: Killing ‘others’ for tribalism