Hate has no home here — but love must

This post originally was published in the Enid News & Eagle (Enid, Okla.) on Friday, April 5, 2019 after two incidents of Nazi and white supremacist vandalism at five locations in Norman and Oklahoma City. Norman Police Department has since arrested one woman in connection with the crimes.   One year ago I wrote about … Continue reading Hate has no home here — but love must

Razors, babies and racists, oh my! The week in an America ruled by fear

The absence Tuesday of Martin Luther King Jr., on what should have been his 90th birthday, was made sadder by how far we continue to fall short of his dream. An obvious example came Jan. 10, when Rep. Steve King of Iowa wondered aloud how white supremacy and white nationalism became offensive. Less obvious, but … Continue reading Razors, babies and racists, oh my! The week in an America ruled by fear

‘A generational fight’ — Protest organizer recalls desegregating Enid restaurants

This post originally ran as an article in the Sept. 4, 2018 edition of the Enid News & Eagle. It is the third article in a three-part series on sit-in protests and restaurant desegregation in Enid, Oklahoma. ENID, Okla. — On Sept. 4, 1958, 60 years ago today, Enid restaurant owners concluded a meeting with … Continue reading ‘A generational fight’ — Protest organizer recalls desegregating Enid restaurants

Lunch counter sit-ins: 60 years later, organizers recall desegregating restaurants

This package of two articles originally was published in the Enid News & Eagle, Enid, Okla., on Aug. 26, 2018, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of lunch counter protests that ended segregation in the city's restaurants and helped shape later civil rights protests throughout the South. ENID, Okla., Aug. 27, 2018 — Sixty years … Continue reading Lunch counter sit-ins: 60 years later, organizers recall desegregating restaurants

2018: The choice before us

In his “Discourses,” Niccolo Machiavelli outlined a predictable cycle of power for republics. Machiavelli pointed to a gradual decline in republican virtue, culminating in a crucial point of decision. At that point, when virtue is all-but lost, the people must choose — either to drastically adjust course back to their founding principles, or else decline … Continue reading 2018: The choice before us