Violence in the name of God is an affront to all faiths

  When 19 year-old John Earnest walked into the Chabad of Poway synagogue and opened fire on April 27 — the last day of Passover, and six months to the day after the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburgh — he had a particularly unsettling motivation. He believed he, as a Christian, was doing the … Continue reading Violence in the name of God is an affront to all faiths

Hope beyond the empty room

I was warned about this. The sudden, unexpected empty feeling in the pit of the stomach. The numb grief. The self-doubt and regret. I was warned about all of it. When we started a small nursing home ministry almost two years ago, our priest, Fr. John, warned us. And, on each new occurrence, he's been … Continue reading Hope beyond the empty room

“Stepping Into Fear” — Christian, Jewish congregations hear message of hope, love overcoming fear

ENID, Okla. — Members of at least six congregations of the Christian and Jewish faiths gathered at St. Stephen AME Church Monday evening for an ecumenical service in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. and his enduring legacy. The service, hosted by St. Stephen AME and St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, featured an address by Rabbi … Continue reading “Stepping Into Fear” — Christian, Jewish congregations hear message of hope, love overcoming fear

The call to ordination, and to the grace of the Eucharist

I am always fascinated by the story of how clergy came to discern and surrender to the call to ministry. Some are more inspiring than others, and this one, written after the ordination of Rev. Janie Koch in the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma, was particularly so to me, especially in her explanation of the meaning … Continue reading The call to ordination, and to the grace of the Eucharist