Our collective sickness: Killing ‘others’ for tribalism

It’s been a bad week for peace, human decency and the teachings of basically every major world religion. On Monday, Israeli troops killed 60 and injured more than 2,700 Palestinians in Gaza.  Israel apologists vilified the dead, to justify the bloodshed in the name of ‘Murica and God. And why were Palestinians protesting? Imagine your … Continue reading Our collective sickness: Killing ‘others’ for tribalism

Fostering understanding through ‘Mercy’

OKLAHOMA CITY — As a boy, Imam Imad Enchassi saw two radically different views of Christianity — one of peace and love, the other of violence committed in God's name. As an adult, Enchassi works to foster peace and understanding between Oklahoma's Muslim community and Christians, Jews and other faith groups — a mission he … Continue reading Fostering understanding through ‘Mercy’