Advent — Our Journey Back Into the Garden

At this time of year, with Christmas just a few hectic weeks away, any discussion of inner peace may seem abstract at best. If the shopping and cooking and decorating and wrapping and many social obligations don’t get your peace, then a family member is sure to bring up politics at the dinner table and … Continue reading Advent — Our Journey Back Into the Garden

Let our prayers be the megaphone of God

“Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” Those words from C. S. Lewis highlight an important aspect of prayer life for most of us (I know, at least in my past, it's been the case for me): We … Continue reading Let our prayers be the megaphone of God

Be the child

A first crack at the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius A couple of posts back I reflected on Luke 10:21, when Jesus praises the "Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants; yes, Father, for such was your gracious … Continue reading Be the child

Surrender — a dirty word in this world, the path to glory in Christ

  The deeper I go into Christian faith, the more I understand it as a series of stark contrasts between what is considered desirable by the world’s standards, versus The Way of Christ. And there is perhaps no starker contrast between these realms than how we understand the concept of surrender. Growing up, I learned … Continue reading Surrender — a dirty word in this world, the path to glory in Christ