Faith leaders gather to tackle issue of white privilege

Oklahoma City -- Faith leaders from across the state joined a cadre of trainers from the United Church of Christ and Oklahoma Conference of Churches Saturday at First Christian Church of Oklahoma City, to tackle the issue of white privilege and racial justice. The 45 clergy and lay leaders of a diverse group of denominations … Continue reading Faith leaders gather to tackle issue of white privilege

When sport is more than sport: The U.S. Women call us to a better society

  I am not, by even the most liberal definition, a “sports guy.” So, please, do not take this as a sports column. But, sometimes the games played for our amusement mean something much more. Sometimes, sport calls us to examine the fiber of our society, and to take a principled stand for its betterment. … Continue reading When sport is more than sport: The U.S. Women call us to a better society

The morning after Independence, the fight continues

Americans woke on July 5, 1776, to a long fight for independence. We declared on July 4, 1776, that all men are created equal, endowed with unalienable rights, and that government derives its powers from the consent of the governed. And, in our red-white-and-blue mythology, “we” won those ideals with the conclusion of the American … Continue reading The morning after Independence, the fight continues

It’s all in there… Our Baptismal Covenant calls us to action

Many of us struggle with determining how to apply our faith to the secular world. In the Episcopal Church, behind our red doors, we are very comfortable with the creeds, the liturgy and our beautiful expressions of love for God. But, outside those doors, how do we apply our love for God to the fractured … Continue reading It’s all in there… Our Baptismal Covenant calls us to action

It’s time to embrace equality, with open arms, hearts, minds

This last week has given us two important opportunities to reflect on civil rights and religious freedom in American society. Wednesday was Harvey Milk Day, commemorating the birthday of the groundbreaking LGBTQ rights activist, and last Friday the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Equality Act, which would extend the provisions of the 1964 Civil … Continue reading It’s time to embrace equality, with open arms, hearts, minds

The transgender ban — a betrayal of trust

I’m seldom saddened or shocked by the news anymore. Like many Americans, I’ve become somewhat numb to our country’s dystopian angst. But, an article this week from my beloved Naval Academy hurt just enough to shake me from my desensitized state. The headline from the CBS news piece read: “Naval Academy to ban transgender students … Continue reading The transgender ban — a betrayal of trust

This side of conversion therapy: Survivor, pastors, mom give diverging views on faith and LGBTQ sexuality

Katrina Kalb describes herself as being on a journey back into her Christian faith — a journey she almost didn’t live to take. Today, Kalb, in her early 40s, is interim president of Free Mom Hugs, a nonprofit that advocates for unconditional love of and equality for LGBTQ people. But, in her 20s, Kalb was … Continue reading This side of conversion therapy: Survivor, pastors, mom give diverging views on faith and LGBTQ sexuality