Caligula vs. conservatism: The ‘values’ of the president’s budget

  If you want to know a nation’s values, just look at its budget. There really is no better measure of our values than how we spend our money. And the president’s proposed FY20 budget tells quite a tale of his values. It’s nothing new for Republicans and Democrats to have different fiscal views. But, … Continue reading Caligula vs. conservatism: The ‘values’ of the president’s budget

‘Tis tax season, Christmas for plutocrats

  It’s tax season, which means it’s time for hard-working Americans to donate to our favorite philanthropic cause: corporate welfare. I know, after four decades of real-wage stagnation for working-class Americans, you’ve all been hand-wringing over the plight of our country’s bloated billionaire class. After all, according to the Economic Policy Institute, the top 1 … Continue reading ‘Tis tax season, Christmas for plutocrats

Civility is needed from both ends of our toxic political spectrum

  “Today we affirm a new commitment to live out our nation’s promise through civility, courage, compassion and character.” Those words, from George W. Bush’s 2001 inaugural address, strike a sad note in today’s America. It’s painfully obvious our nation has failed to achieve “civility, courage, compassion and character.” Our nation’s grand incapacity for civil … Continue reading Civility is needed from both ends of our toxic political spectrum

Breaking through the echo chamber: lessons in the wake of Helsinki

  This week’s whirlwind of Trumpian treason — or at the very least, cowardice — in the face of Vladimir Putin, followed by the president’s furious backpedaling at home, reveals two important takeaways: 1) Trump is a pricey but easily acquired marionette, whose strings beg to be manipulated by ratings and the approval of strong-arm … Continue reading Breaking through the echo chamber: lessons in the wake of Helsinki

Our collective sickness: Killing ‘others’ for tribalism

It’s been a bad week for peace, human decency and the teachings of basically every major world religion. On Monday, Israeli troops killed 60 and injured more than 2,700 Palestinians in Gaza.  Israel apologists vilified the dead, to justify the bloodshed in the name of ‘Murica and God. And why were Palestinians protesting? Imagine your … Continue reading Our collective sickness: Killing ‘others’ for tribalism